Psychology Area - Member

Arlette Ayoroa

Education & Fellowship

UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, Oxford, United Kingdom
Master of Science (MSc) in Latin American Studies, September 2021
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Psychology, July 2019
UNIVERSIDAD AMERICANA, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Lawyer, July 2018

Training and Experience

Arlette Ayoroa is a licensed Psychologist and Lawyer in Paraguay and holds a Master in Science degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Oxford. Her diverse academic background has directed her studies and works towards the understanding and promotion of international development through behavioural science.

She has worked in the private sector as a lawyer and a clinical psychologist. She also held different roles within the public sector at the Labour Court and the Ministry of Women Affairs, in Paraguay and at the Organization of American States, in Washington D.C. She has experience in evidence-based psychological interventions and skills in executing qualitative and quantitative investigations, experience in running social experiments, analysing data, and conveying arguments and findings clearly and comprehensively. Her research is focused on understanding how tools from psychology may be useful when designing policies and how such tools can help in reducing poverty and inequality.

Arlette has received a first-class honours award for her three degrees and was awarded a Chevening Scholarship, a UK government’s scholarship for global leaders with an acceptance rate of 1.7%.

Ha trabajado en el sector privado como abogada y psicóloga clínica. También ha desempeñado diferentes funciones dentro del sector público en el Juzgado Laboral y en el Ministerio de la Mujer, en Paraguay, y en la Organización de Estados Americanos, en Washington D.C. Tiene experiencia en intervenciones psicológicas basadas en la evidencia científica, habilidades en la ejecución de investigaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas, experiencia en la realización de experimentos sociales, análisis de datos y en la transmisión de argumentos y conclusiones de forma clara y exhaustiva. Su investigación se centra en comprender cómo las herramientas de la psicología pueden ser útiles a la hora de diseñar políticas y cómo dichas herramientas pueden ayudar a reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad.
Arlette es miembro del cuadro de honor en sus carreras de grado y maestría y ha sido adjudicada la beca Chevening, beca del gobierno británico para líderes mundiales con una tasa de aceptación del 1,7%.


Master Thesis – Behavioural Change at a community level: A case study of Atyrá
Through a qualitative design, this research sought to understand the variables responsible for the behavioural change of a Paraguayan city, known by its cleanliness. The theoretical framework used to understand this case was a combination of cognitive and nudge theory. The results of this study indicate that the behavioural transformation in the city was caused by a change in the belief system of the community, as proposed by REBT theory. This change in the mindset of the people occurred through Mayor Martínez, local authority, who used three strategies to achieve his goal, through role modelling, through discourse, and the use of nudges, including reminders and micro incentives to reinforce the desired behaviour.
BA Thesis – Academic Performance and Emotional Intelligence in Psychology Students

The purpose of this study was to establish the correlation between emotional intelligence and academic performance of psychology students from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad Nacional del Este. Quantitative design and a correlational type of research were used to achieve the aim of this research. A significant correlation (p = 0.019) was found with academic performance and the dimension of clarity within emotional intelligence but no significant relation with the dimensions of attention and repair. The results partially agree with the other studies which found a correlation between emotional intelligence and academic performance.